Sometimes without apparent reason, depression seems to take over. The best medicine is preventative. Looking after mental health is as essential as looking after physical health. A physically tired person will generally take a break. Rest replenishes the body’s energy. Exhaustion is released and the body feels better. The mind also needs to release the constant bombardment of stimulus, some pleasant, some not so pleasant, i.e. stress. Mind fitness is a prerequisite to maintaining a harmonious sense of well- being.
Help Yourself Feel Better, when depression hits, in 10 Easy Steps
Watch your diet. Eat “light”. Refrain from eating “heavy foods” which will make the body feel sluggish. Vegetables, fish etc. Studies have shown that depressed patients have a lower level of the natural amino acid tryptophan. This natural antidepressant can be found in bananas. Licorice is known to contains a natural MAO inhibitor (monoamine oxidase enzyme).
Get plenty of sleep. Ensure that your night’s sleep is undisturbed. If possible take a warm bath and drink a warm cup of tea before going to bed, camomile, passion flower, lemon balm are suggested. Burning incense, oils or scented candles prior to falling asleep can ensure a deep sleep. Recommended scents: marjoram, cedarwood, sandalwood, camomile.
Exercise. Depression responds to vigorous aerobic exercise rather than gentler types such as yoga. If going to an exercise class is not possible, a good exercise video can be used at home. 20 minutes a day is recommended but 10 minutes is better than nothing.
Seek Advice. Depression can be clinical, caused by hormonal deficiency, or environmental, caused by life situations. After ruling out medical causes for depression, seek friends or professionals who can offer different perspectives on life situations.
Dissect. The large picture always feels overwhelming. Break down the picture. Examine each area, i.e. life situation individually. Deal with one component at a time, as though tearing down a brick wall. (Good visualization exercise)
Contemplation. Meditation, visualization, affirmations are three essential methods of training your mind towards feeling better. Meditation does not have to done sitting cross legged staring into the infinite. A walk in the country contemplating the beauty of nature can be meditative. While in a totally relaxed state, either walking. sitting or lying down, visualize the depression lifting from the body. Affirm that your body’s natural state is healthy, and that it is achieving a healthier state second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, week by week, month by month, year by year.... Create whatever personal affirmations are applicable to the situation.
Massage. A good invigorating massage or an aromatherapy massage can stimulate the lymphatic system, clearing the body of toxins. Reflexology, either hand or foot is also beneficial. The site for the pituitary, the “king” of the hormone producing glands, is found in the “middle back” of the toes, and in the hands in the middle of the upper fleshy part of the thumb.
Fragrances. Use aromatherapy blends in the bath, as mist sprays for room and pillow and as massage oils.
Ritualistic routine. Create a distracting routine or ritual. Find a convenient time of day in which to perform an enjoyable routine or ritual. Select a time that can remain constant for a reasonable period of time, i.e. ten to twelve weeks.
Supplements. Vitamin supplements, and tinctures such as valerian root and passion flower can be used, but not long term. St. Johnswort, Motherswort and Ginko are highly recommended. Ginseng and Kava Kava are also useful but side effects may include higher blood pressure and hyperactivity respectively.
Frequently depression is anger turned within. If you let go depression can be eliminated. According to the Rev. Hanna Kroeger, pressing acupuncture points along the body’s meridians can help release blockages. Hold the following points for a few minutes: mid chin; tip of sternum; left side of knee.
Know thyself and stay happy.........