Does Exercise Really Boost Your Metabolism? by Liz Neporent
You're likely to get the greatest afterburn from a long, hard weight-training workout. In one study, fit men who completed a super-high intensity, 90-minute strength workout, performing 60 sets with little rest in between, experienced an 11 percent metabolism increase for about two hours after the workout. The next morning, 15 hours after the workout, their metabolism was still elevated by a substantial 9 percent, which translated into about 150 extra calories burned. While these numbers are impressive, the workouts were far longer and more strenuous than most people can handle or tolerate on a regular basis without injury or burnout. During a more typical workout -- say, three sets of ten exercises -- researchers say a generous guesstimate for afterburn add up to no more than 50 to 75 calories total.
Still, that's a decent return on investment, and it's a considerably greater afterburn bonus than most people appear to enjoy from cardio workout. For the amount of aerobic exercise most people do -- about 30 to 45 minutes -- the afterburn appears to be less than 50 calories. Still, even such a miniscule boost is nice; five days a week could theoretically add up to a 3-pound weight loss over the course of a year with zero additional effort.
Weight training produces a greater afterburn than cardio exercise because it's a more intense type of workout and possibly because it elevates hormones, such as epinephrine, that simulate metabolic rate. It's also possible that the microscopic tissue damage caused by weight lifting may compel the body to expend extra energy for tissue repair.
So what about a more permanent elevation in metabolism? Is it possible that exercise can actually shift the number of calories you burn all the time by changing your body composition?
Lifting weights builds muscle, and the more muscle you have, the more calories your body will burn at rest. All true, but it takes a lot of extra muscle to dramatically rev up your resting metabolic rate. Although you may have heard that you burn an extra 50 or 100 calories per day for each pound of muscle you build, that figure isn't supported by science. The number is probably closer to 10 to 15 calories, so you really can't expect to see much of an increase in metabolic rate with the typical 3- to 4-pound increase in muscle mass.
It's actually unclear what you can expect to see. Weight-training studies have produced radically different findings. For example, some show an increase in fat-free mass of up to 4 pounds over 12 to 16 weeks, along with a boost in resting metabolism of up to 10 percent, or 160 calories a day. Others show no increase at all in resting metabolism over three to four months, despite increases in fat-free mass. Still, other studies show a slight increase in metabolism despite no increase in fat-free mass and no detectible increases in fat-free mass or metabolism.
One possible reason the data is all over the place is that most studies last just a few months, which isn't enough time for many people to build enough muscle to result in a significant metabolism spike. In many cases, the increase may be so small as to be within the margin of error for measurement. Also, fat-free mass isn't the same thing as muscle; increases in fat-free mass may, in part, reflect increases in water content, not muscle.
You're most likely to get a dramatic metabolism boost if you lift weights consistently for a couple of years and gain more than the typical few pounds of muscle. It's worth it, too, since many experts believe that even a paltry extra 40 calories burned a day could make a real difference in weight control.
But say you do get a metabolism boost from packing on muscle. That doesn't mean you can pat yourself on the back and park your butt for the rest of the day. In some research, a metabolic boost proved to be irrelevant because subjects became less active during the rest of the day. Even though their resting metabolic rates increased, the total number of daily calories they burned did not.
Besides, exercise probably plays its greatest role as you age -- something that's far more important than any temporary boosts or small long-term increases. Sedentary people tend to lose at least one-third of their muscle from age 30 to age 70, but consistent weight lifting may offset most of the decline. With more muscle and a resting metabolic rate than doesn't grind to a halt with advancing age, you're less likely to gain fat.
Back from Hell: Treating PTSD with Massage and Other Bodywork Therapies
The article is well worth reading, and is excerpted in part below:
Traumatized in war, often faced with family and job relationship difficulties, and also frequently confronted with government bureaucracy, veterans deal with high levels of anger. One study stated, "Anger management intervention is an integral part of post-traumatic stress disorder treatment in the Department of Veterans Affairs facilities across the country."11 The presence of intense anger, along with other deep emotions, can cause a veteran -- triggered during therapy -- to undergo an explosive emotional release. "PTSD may cause a person to fly into a rage for no apparent reason or strike out in fear at inappropriate targets."12
"Vets tend to have a more violent type of reaction if a memory comes up," explained Chris Smith, director of education at the Colorado School of Healing Arts in Lakewood, Colorado. Smith, who is also a massage therapist and instructor for the school's 100-hour program in Trauma Touch Therapy, explained, "It takes a therapist who can stay grounded and isn't afraid of the intense emotional outbursts." Because of their war-time experiences, she said, veterans in therapy may tend to be "less resourced" in how to handle stress and "more hyperaroused" than other trauma clients.
According to some therapists who work closely with veterans, the VA and other group programs provide only limited help for veterans. After a certain amount of time has passed, these therapists say talking about the trauma in a group setting can become a useless "rehashing" of the horrors. To emerge from the sense of victimization may likely demand hard, individual work in therapy on the part of the patient. It generally requires facilitation by an extremely grounded and well-versed therapist. If the veteran chooses to try an alternative therapy, such as massage, the process will likely necessitate participation not only in bodywork sessions, but also in simultaneous sessions with a psychotherapist.
One massage therapist who has worked with veterans visited a VA hospital to learn more about PTSD and observed that many of the veterans were in extremely serious condition. "For many vets, the only answer is a great deal of isolation and seclusion and often medication that can have so many other side effects. They often cope by removing stimulation as much as possible," she said.
It seems like a good time to re-mention the fabulous Claude Anshin Thomas passage in his book, At Hell's Gate (see sidebar), about suffering not being the enemy. Click this link to bring back that earlier blog entry.
Chronic Pain Affects Memory, Concentration (Published in Massage Magazine)
Researchers placed a total of 64 patients with musculoskeletal pain syndromes in the lumbosacral area into two age groups: 30 to 50 years (41 patients) and 51 to 60 years (23 patients), according to an abstract published on
The reference group consisted of 20 healthy volunteers comparable in terms of gender, age and level of education. The patients underwent neurological, neuro-orthopedic, clinical-pathopsychological and neuropsychological investigations, the abstract noted.
Among the results:
- Complaints of difficulty with mental concentration were present in 17.3 percent of patients, and problems with remembering information in 20.2 percent of patients.
- As compared with healthy subjects, both groups of patients had cognitive functions in younger patients were affected by the sensory-discriminant (intensity) and affective-motivational (negative emotions, particularly anxiety) characteristics of pain.
- Cognitive functions in older patients were affected by the affective-motivational (anxiety, level of psychoemotional distress) and cognitive (level of catastrophization) components of pain.
"Characteristics of Cognitive Functions in Patients with Chronic Spinal Pain" ran in the journal Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology in December 2010. It was conducted by researchers at Department of Nervous Diseases, Therapeutic Faculty, I. M. Sechenov Moscow Medical Academy, Moscow, Russia.
The Metabolic Detective: A Look at Nutrition for Your Thyroid Interview with Dr. Edward Bauman
At the same time, Dr. Bauman does not believe that any one food, supplement, or detoxification process is the easy solution to a thyroid problems. It's a function of finding the right balance among a number of approaches, and that's something that's difficult to do on your own. Dr. Bauman believes that most patients will need to find and work with a practitioner - whether it's a nutritionist, or holistic M.D., naturopath, or other insightful practitioner - who understands thyroid problems. Dr. Bauman, who in addition to running IET, also works with patients for nutritional consultations, feels that thyroid problems can be complex, and says "It can take me three to six months to figure out a thyroid problem."
At the same time, Dr. Bauman does not believe that any one food, supplement, or detoxification process is the easy solution to a thyroid problems. It's a function of finding the right balance among a number of approaches, and that's something that's difficult to do on your own. Dr. Bauman believes that most patients will need to find and work with a practitioner - whether it's a nutritionist, or holistic M.D., naturopath, or other insightful practitioner - who understands thyroid problems. Dr. Bauman, who in addition to running IET, also works with patients for nutritional consultations, feels that thyroid problems can be complex, and says "It can take me three to six months to figure out a thyroid problem."
While Dr. Bauman relies primarily on nutritional solutions, he does not oppose using thyroid medications, and he said he frequently works with patients who are on thyroid hormone replacement. Often, he's found that patients who begin nutrient support will go for several months, and then make a decision whether to taper down their medication dosage over time.
In looking at the issues behind thyroid problems, Dr. Bauman identifies three different stages of hypothyroidism:
- When the gland can't make good hormone.
- When the gland makes hormone but the gland and peripheral organs don't convert the hormone - an impaired T4 to T3 conversion ability.
- When the gland can produce the hormone, and the body can convert the hormone, but the immune system can't handle it, and hormones can't get to the receptor site. Dr. Bauman refers to this as a "receptor site problem." According to Dr. Bauman, "Just like there is a situation known as insulin resistance, there's also a similar situation, thyroid resistance."
According to Dr. Bauman, "I'm a nutritionist, but I'm also a metabolic detective. I'm looking for substances that alter thyroid function by either damaging the gland, or altering enzyme conversion."
Dr. Bauman has worked extensively with patients studying food's effects on the endocrine system, and had some guidelines for thyroid patients on how the toxins we are exposed to, the food we eat, and the nutrients we lack can affect our thyroid conditions, general health, and ability to lose weight.
Avoid Aspartame
A product that is of particular concern to Dr. Bauman is the artificial sweetener aspartame, which goes by the brand name Nutrasweet. He feels that Nutrasweet is a particular problem for thyroid health, and that it can specifically can contribute to hyperthyroidism.
In 1981, aspartame came on the U.S. market, and became the first new low-calorie sweetener approved by the Food and Drug Administration in more than 25 years. Aspartame (L-aspartyl-L-phenylalanyl-methyl-ester) is about 200 times sweeter than sugar, and has almost no calorie count. Aspartame breaks down in the body into several components, including: phenylalanine, which can be a neurotoxin, and may trigger seizures in some susceptible people; aspartic acid, which has the ability to cause brain damage in a developing brain; and methanol, which in the body converts into formaldehyde, a toxin.
Sweet Poison After firefighter Janet Starr Hull collapsed on the job, she was told she had a deadly case of Graves' disease, and might die. Searching for the cause of her illness, Hull discovered what she felt was the culprit in her illness -- the chemical sweetener aspartame - which is found in Nutrasweet She wrote a book to discuss her efforts at recovery and the little known facts about aspartame . You can read about it in her book, Sweet Poison: How the World's Most Popular Artificial Sweetener Is Killing Us - My Story. |
The concerns over aspartame are definitely controversial. While the FDA and manufacturer maintain that the product is safe, there are accusations that accurate data has not been made available to the public regarding testing and side effects.
Noted alternative practitioner Andrew Weil, M.D. summed it up well when he said at his site: "Because I have seen a number of patients - mostly women - who report headaches from using it, I don't view it as nontoxic or biologically inert. Some women also find that aspartame aggravates PMS. There are no proven long-term side effects, but there's a lot of suspicion. "
Detoxify Mercury and Metals
Dr. Bauman feels that mercury toxicity is really quite important. According to Dr. Bauman, dental mercury is in close proximity to the thyroid, and the nerves that enervate the thyroid run along the same plexus. When mercury toxicity is present, Dr. Bauman feels that the straight remediation approach to treating thyroid disease isn't always enough.
According to Dr. Bauman, "I've seen people who've had some sort of oral chelation therapy - nutrients and herbs - to try to clear out the toxins, and their thyroid normalized. This was after having tried thyroid medications, herbs, natural thyroid, etc."
Holistic physician Joseph Mercola, D.O., offers one protocol for mercury detoxification at his site, focusing on proper nutrition, use of flora or probiotic supplements, use of chlorella or ProChitosan, and other elements.
According to a statement released by the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology, "Research has shown that mercury even in extremely small amounts has toxic effects, for example, low dose mercury exposure has been shown to produce neurological pathology, cytotoxicity to nerve tissue."
Some alternative practitioners do not believe that there's clearcut evidence that mercury fillings have any noticeable impact on health. Dr. Weil, for example, has said: "I don't think any study has been large enough or designed well enough to determine for sure whether there is a long-term effect from mercury fillings. One problem is that any harm may be subtle and hard to detect."
The issue of mercury toxicity is a controversial one, because conventional dentists maintain that it's entirely safe. Dental amalgam containing mercury are used extensively in tooth fillings and according to the American Dental Association, in a 1995 survey, up to 76 percent of dentists say they use it as their primary restoration material. According to a statement from the American Dental Association's Gary C. Armitage, chairperson of ADA's Council on Scientific Affairs., "The World Health Organization, FDI World Dental Federation and the American Dental Association (ADA) all support the continued use of dental amalgam as a safe, durable and cost-effective material to restore teeth."
Stabilizing the adrenal function is really helpful for the thyroid. In particular, according to Dr. Bauman, for people dealing with allergies and stress, the adrenals can be forced into overdrive. And, when there are hormonal changes such as puberty, perimenopause, and menopause, the adrenals and fat tissue are forced to pick up where the ovaries leave off. If adrenals aren't up to the task, there can be various hypothyroid and hyperthyroid reactions.
Some practitioners, such as the United Kingdom's Dr Barry J Durrant-Peatfield, believe that adrenal insufficiencies must be addressed and balanced before thyroid problems can truly be resolved. In some cases, Dr. Durrant-Peatfield used low-dose cortisone with patients.
Adrenal crisis may explain in part the theory behind the highly controversial "Wilson's Syndrome," which theorizes that stress causes the body to fail at converting T4 to T3, and instead convert to an inactive form of T3 known as Reverse T3. Wilson's proponents advocate treatment with the controversial use of all-T3 therapy, which is not an accepted treatment by most practitioners, conventional or alternative.
When T4 to T3 conversion is suspected to be impaired, Dr. Bauman feels that nutritional supplements can help, and selenium, zinc, vitamin E and B6 supplementation may be needed in order to help enhance the conversion process.
Use Hormone-Free Meats
Hormones that come in via the food chain, can be used by the thyroid for its own constituent tissue. Certain steroids and hormones are fed to animals in the U.S. for example, and when this meat is eaten, according to Dr. Bauman, the body will absorb these "xeno-hormonal" materials. Exposure to those hormones can offset the body's own natural production of hormones.
Organic meats can usually be found at chains such as Fresh Fields or Whole Foods, or local co-operative markets. The most widely distributed brands include Laura's Lean Beef, Peterson's Pork, or Buddy's Chicken.
Avoid Iodized Salt
According to Dr. Bauman, use of commercial iodized salt is not recommended for thyroid patients. Iodized salt contains aluminum and sugar as stabilizing elements, and those are irritants to the thyroid and can create imbalances. Dr. Bauman believes that "the body can have difficulty dealing with metabolizing refined salt, because the salt is heated at high temperatures, and the body tends to retain the salt and it can become a stimulant."
Dr. Bauman recommends a switch to an unrefined salt, including Celtic salt, Japanese salt, or a good quality sea salt. These salts also have additional benefit, in that they offer some trace elements. Many of these salts are available at natural and health food stores, or online.
Add Seaweeds, Chlorella and Algaes to Your Diet
Rather than taking iodine in it's straight form, Dr. Bauman suggests thyroid patients consider adding seaweeds to their diet. In particular, Dr. Bauman recommends dulse, a type of northern Atlantic seaweed, which he finds beneficial for hypothyroidism, rather than kelp. Dulse has a far better flavor than kelp, and different mineral composition that seems nutritionally better suited for thyroid patients.
Some natural and health food stores have dulse. You can also check out the sites for Maine Sea Vegetables and Slocum and Ferris dulse products.
Sodium alginate is a thickener that contains kelp. A good mercury chelating agent and source of trace minerals, it can be used to make a healthy dessert. According to Dr. Bauman, adding two tablespoons of agar/sodium alginate to 1 quart of fruit juice (Dr. Bauman recommends half coconut, half pineapple), makes a nice fruity gelatin.
In an interview with Mary Shomon, Dr. Mercola also recommended the use of seaweeds. Says Dr. Mercola:
"The best source of organically bound iodine that I know of is non-commercially harvested seaweeds. The dose is about 5 grams a day or about one ounce per week. . . . The better seaweeds are hand picked and dried and not typically available in health food stores. They are the absolute best forms of minerals that I am aware of. . . Kelp from the health food store may work, but it really depends on how it was harvested and there is no way to know that reliably, so I rely on seaweed harvesters who hand pick the seaweed and reliably dry them free from contaminants."Chlorella and algaes are also recommended. Chlorella is a single-celled alga that is high in chlorophyll. Chlorella comes from the Pacific Ocean, and according to Dr. Bauman, has high trace elements, good amino acids, good tyrosine, and even good omega 3 fatty acids. Dr. Bauman feels that chlorella and other algaes can enrich the diet, feed the gland, and can help with moderate detoxification.
Dr. Bauman believes that coconut is a particularly important food for thyroid patient. Coconut contains monolauric acid, which has strong antiviral property and is soothing fuel for the glandular system. Dr. Bauman suggests thyroid patients incorporate natural coconut into the diet, or buy unsweetened desiccated coconut, or unsweetened coconut milk (such as used in Thai cooking).
Dr. Bauman also suggests that if you can't or don't want to drink cow or soy milk, you can use coconut milk. To make coconut milk, take desiccated coconut and cashews, soak ¼ cup of each with 1 quart of water, blend, then strain, for a creamy, smooth, nutritive blend.
According to noted author and alternative medicine expert, Dr. Ray Peat, "Coconut oil has several thyroid-promoting effects. It contains butyric acid which helps thyroid hormone move into the brain [liothyronine (T3 ) uptake into glial cells]. It opposes anti-thyroid unsaturated oils. It contains short and medium chain fatty acids which help modulate blood sugar, is anti-allergic, and protects mitochondria against stress injuries."
In her book, "The Body Ecology Diet," Donna Gates' also writes that coconut helps to balance out the thyroid, and recommends it as part of a healthy diet.
Eat More Fish and Flax Seeds
Dr. Bauman believes fatty acids are vital for the uptake of the thyroid. Ocean fish are one good source of fatty acids. While you'd still be better off replacing some meat in your diet with something like canned tuna, some tunas have methyl mercury, so you are better off going with ocean fish. Keep in mind that most salmon sold in the U.S. is farm raised. In order to have the needed Omega-3 fatty acids, fish need to eat algae, so farm-raised fish do not have fatty acid value.
Another good source is whole flax seeds. According to Dr. Bauman, flax seeds look like sesame seeds, and have a good taste. They offer high fiber and lignans, vitamin E and zinc, from a nutritional perspective. He recommends grinding fresh flax seeds in a coffee grinder, and sprinkling the powder on hot cereal, or over a salad, or in a soup, eating 1 - 2 tablespoons, a few times a day. (Keep in mind to add the ground flax seeds to foods after cooking.)
Consider Food's Effects on Antibody Levels
In the case of autoimmune diseases like Hashimoto's Thyroiditis, Dr. Bauman believes that foods themselves may be creating problems. According to Dr. Bauman, "food sensitivities, such as to dairy, gluten/wheat, and hormones added to meats, for example, can disrupt the overall endocrine system."
When you have elevated antibodies, such as found in Hashimoto's disease or Graves' disease, your body has found something antigenic -- something it perceives to be a "foreign body" - and the body feels it needs to be vigilant. According to Dr. Bauman, the things that can cause a high antigen load, and thus elevate antibody levels, include:
- Food antigens
- Environmental antigens
- Body tissue that has been impacted with a foreign substance
So, for example, if you have bacteria or yeast that has compromised your thyroid, when you eat refined sugars, you feed the bacteria or yeast, which can aggravate the inflammatory and antigenic response, and antibody levels will go up.
In the case of autoimmunity, Dr. Bauman feels that detoxification can be particularly helpful, including antioxidants and some form of chelation.
Consider Thyroid and Lympathic Massage
Dr. Bauman indicated that the thyroid has problems with deposition, so very gentle, massage of the thyroid and lymphatic system may be of benefit to help eliminate what he refers to as the "bottleneck around the gland. " You can find out more about Lymph Drainage Massage in an article by Sean Riehl, author of Lymphatic Drainage, and founder of Real Bodywork, or in Mario-Paul Cassar's Massage for Detoxification.
Institute Other Dietary Changes
In addition to the recommendations noted here, for thyroid patients, Dr. Bauman favors a whole foods approach, using organic foods.
He recommends a diet that is sufficient in protein, and even potentially vegetable based, but not necessarily vegetarian, as seeds and seafoods are important. Seeds recommended include pumpkin, chia, and flax seeds.
For some patients, nutritional brewers yeast may also be a good dietary addition.
Seaweeds and sea vegetables are also a good addition. Dr. Bauman recommends bladderwrack as a soothing and normalizing supplement. But patients need to be careful, and if they see signs that a product- particularly those that contain iodine -- is stimulating (tenderness in the neck, enlargement of a goiter, swelling in the thyroid area), keep in mind that you might need to cut back, and not take a product daily, but rather, even weekly.